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$20.00 a month Via Paypal Gets your link added to our recommendation list and $25.00 a month gets your button added to our front page.
Payment to be made Via Paypal
Contact: conniec@thepuppyplace.org
This is about the charity that I am currently helping to raise funds for so that they can continue to operate. Also about daily life and lots of yummy recipes as I am a caterer and teach in home cooking classes.
$20.00 a month Via Paypal Gets your link added to our recommendation list and $25.00 a month gets your button added to our front page.
Payment to be made Via Paypal
Contact: conniec@thepuppyplace.org
Posted by Connie28705 at 11:01 AM 0 comments
Hi All,
It has been brought to my attention by several people that the link I have given for THE PUPPY PLACE goes to a parked or non-existent website. I apologize for this mistake and I am posting this to rectify it. The correct URL leading to THE PUPPY PLACE is http://thepuppyplace.org/ I hope this clears up any problems anyone may be having.
Until next post,
Connie C
Posted by Connie28705 at 7:55 PM 0 comments
Here is a look at the front cover of our cookbook, we was very pleased with the job Morris Publisher’s done on our cookbook and would recommend them to other’s wanting to write a cookbook. Sales have been slow for the cookbook and we do understand the reason why is mainly today’s economy. We are hoping sales will pick up when people get back there tax returns and are looking for a new tax deduction for next year. If you are curious about what recipes are in the cookbook I have them posted here for all the see.
Again thanks for all who have bought a cookbook and those who are planning to buy one. In the future you can find our cookbook listed at Amazon.com as well as on Ebay. For now you can purchase our cookbook either threw here or at http://thepuppyplace.org
Until Next Post,
Connie C
Posted by Connie28705 at 12:35 PM 1 comments
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